The Director of the African Migration Observatory Engages in The North African Regional Ministerial Conference


Press Release              Date:  April 18, 2024


Venue: Rabat, Morocco


The Director of the African Migration Observatory Engages in The North African Regional Ministerial Conference



H.E. Amb. Namira Negm, Director of the African Migration Observatory, participated in the North African Regional Ministerial Conference on April 18, 2024. The event, co-chaired by Morocco's Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita and Togo's Minister of Foreign Affairs Robert Dussey, focused on "Pan-Africanism and Migration" as a preparatory step for the 9th Pan-African Congress in Lomé, Togo. Ambassador Negm stressed the need to shift the narrative on migration, highlighting trends in North Africa and advocating for simplified, safe migration processes. She underscored the observatory's role in providing strategic migration data to aid African Union member states in policy development, emphasizing understanding the root causes of migration, including instability, poverty, climate change, and the pandemic.


The conference aimed to boost regional cooperation on migration governance, combat brain drains, and foster economic integration by leveraging diaspora contributions. At the closing session, Ambassador Negm presented the conference report and the Rabat Declaration, which was adopted by participating countries as a guiding document for the upcoming Pan-African Congress.




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